Attendance and punctuality are key school priorities at Woodlands
It is very important that children attend school regularly and on time. Children who are frequently absent from school or who are regularly late do not make the progress they should. Please don’t keep children away unless they are too unwell to attend school. If you are unsure about whether your child is well enough for school please visit the NHS website Is my child too ill for school?
Starting the school day on time
Here are our start times:
Please give your child the best chance of success in their learning by ensuring they enter with their friends and are able to read their banded books. This is so important to support their learning across the curriculum. Between 8.40 and 9.00 children in years 1 to 6 read their banded books. In Reception and Nursery, children enter school with their peers and are met with familiar staff for a positive start to the school day.
Commited to reducing absence
We work in partnership with parents to remove barriers to learning including issues that impact on children attending school everyday on time.
Outstanding attendance starts with our Million Dreams curriculum where we plan engaging activities where children want to come to school to learn. Teaching staff build relationships with children and families so that school provides an emotionally predictable learning environment. We also have a pastoral manager who works with families to support. Please click on the document below to see our attendance processes.
Please speak to a member of staff if you would like any support with ensuring your child has the best chance of success by attending school every day on time.
Persistent absence
Persistent absence is when a child's attendance at school falls below 90%. We have a duty to ensure that children are attending school regularly and to support families with improving attendance. We do this through weekly tracking of all children's attendance. When attendance starts to become a concern we will notify you by an initail conversation ususally with the class teacher, letter or in some cases invite you in for a meeting to discuss.
Whilst we understand that there are genuine reasons why a child might not be in school, it is important that we work together to ensure that children are not missing learning time.