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Online Safety


Online-Aware - Digitally Intelligent - Free from Harm.

Children live in a world that is connected to the internet in ways they don’t often realise that they are ‘online’. So our curriculum is designed to:

  • Promote Safe Use by Learners

Online Safety is being aware of the nature of the possible threats that you could encounter whilst engaging in activity on the Internet.

Our approach is to educate and provide tools, skills and resources to keep us safe. It’s about every member of our community taking care of each other, responsibly making good choices in order to focus on the positive, enriching side of digital life whilst recognising its challenges and how to best approach them.


We are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers.

Here are a set of commitments that we will share as stakeholders working in the best interests of our pupils. As a member of this school, you are a part of the team, committed to everyone's safety and therefore agree that these are our shared values that we uphold jointly.


As a school - We will:

  • Promote Safe Use by Learners
  • Model safe use of technologies and the internet in school
  • Teach online-safety across the curriculum to empower children to mitigate risk and respond to concerns
  • Teach kind, responsible and safe use of social media
  • Teach the benefits of having a mobile phone/tablet-free environment and be encouraged to see such an environment as desirable and valuable.
  • Support and include parents and carers by sharing helpful advice and resources through special events (such as Internet Safety Day) and termly assemblies.
  • Report, in line with school guidelines, any issue that arises related to online safety
  • Follow all safeguarding guidelines to protect learners from harm
  • Not use a personal device for any activity that would be inappropriate in a school setting.


Parents/carers - I will:

  • Model safe use of technologies outside of school and in the home
  • Have positive family conversations around safe and responsible internet use to empower children to avoid harm, (e.g. Screen time, personal information, arranging meet-ups with online friends)
  • Explain the importance of openness online and having trusted adults at home and at school to talk to
  • Put parental controls in place and review it as the children grow up.
  • Report any concerns to the Headteacher whether home or school based.
  • Consider parental conduct when using Social Media
  • Any concerns or worries should be reported to the school in the first instance.

Pupils - I will:

  • Always be kind and respectful to others when I am online
  • Tell a trusted adult if I see something that makes me feel scared or uncomfortable on the screen, or you can always talk to a Childline counsellor 0800 1111
  • Don’t upload or share anything you wouldn’t want your parents, carers, teachers or future employers seeing.
  • Not respond to any messages or images that makes me feel uncomfortable.
  • Keep my personal information private
  • Never agree to meet a stranger.
  • Not put photographs of myself online without asking a trusted adult.
  • I know that my teacher can check what I do online and that if I break the rules I might not be allowed to use a computer
  • Think about my screentime to protect my mental health and wellbeing.


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Click the poster to report harmful content.