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PE and sport premium


Primary PE and Sport Premium is an initiative that aims to help increase and improve the PE and sporting opportunities for children. It was first provided in the 2013/14 academic year and the current government has pledged to continue this funding until August 2024.

PE and Sport Premium funding is provided jointly by the Department for Education, the Department for Health and Culture and the Department for Media and Sport.  It has been allocated to primary school headteachers and is ring-fenced, meaning that it can only be spent on the provision of PE and sport in schools.

PE and sport premium spending is used to improve in the following 5 key areas:

  • Increasing all staff’s confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport
  • Increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport
  • Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement
  • Offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils
  • Increase participation in competitive sport

This year our allocated spend is £18,500 and we have planned our spend to include:

  • Provide greater extracurricular sporting opportunities for all pupils.
  • Provide CPD for staff
  • Provide playground equipment
  • Provide opportunities to try new sports and activities, particularly outdoor and adventurous activities and other sporting events.


Sports Premium Funding

Sport Premium funding is money that primary schools receive each year from the Government to improve the quality of PE and sports activities they offer pupils. The funding is based on the number of pupils in the school. The money is used to develop or add to the PE and sport activities that the school already offer and to make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years. We believe that a varied PE curriculum and extracurricular opportunities have a positive influence on the attitudes, concentration level and the academic achievement of our pupils. 

Woodlands have used this funding to increase the quantity of sports provision in the school. Children across all year groups and of all abilities have had opportunities to participate in events both in our school and with other schools. The pupils also benefit from working with Bristol Sport and Swift Sports, professional sports coaches, for lunchtime clubs and after school sports clubs.

This year we plan to use the funding for:

  • Training for staff to ensure high quality teaching
  • Provide cover to release staff to accompany and support pupils at sporting events
  • Costs for events, such as the Celebration of Sport and the Festival of Dance
  • Transport costs to events and sports competitions
  • Maintenance and purchasing of sports equipment

At Woodlands, we value the power and passion of sport for its personal development and its health and wellbeing benefits. All children engage in two hours of high quality Physical Education each week. A PE kit should consist of black or navy shorts/joggers and hoodie (or Woodlands logo), their house colour (or white) top and trainers. All children engage in swimming lessons in their time at Woodlands, which are taught by qualified swimming coaches. 

Sport Premium funding is money that primary schools receive each year from the Government to improve the quality of PE and sports activities they offer pupils. The funding is based on the number of pupils in the school. The money is used to develop or add to the PE and sport activities that the school already offer and to make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years. We believe that a varied PE curriculum and extracurricular opportunities have a positive influence on the attitudes, concentration level and the academic achievement of our pupils. 

Woodlands have used this funding to increase the quantity of sports provision in the school. Children across all year groups and of all abilities have had opportunities to participate in events both in our school and with other schools. The pupils also benefit from working with Bristol Sport and Swift Sports, professional sports coaches, for lunchtime clubs and after school sports clubs.

This year we plan to use the funding for:

  • Training for staff to ensure high quality teaching
  • Provide cover to release staff to accompany and support pupils at sporting events
  • Costs for events, such as the Celebration of Sport and the Festival of Dance
  • Transport costs to events and sports competitions
  • Maintenance and purchasing of sports equipment

To view our Pupil/Sports Premium Strategy Statement, please visit our School Policies & Documents page.