Welcome & Admissions - Nursery
Woodlands Nursery is a pre-school education provision for 3 to 4 year olds. Ofsted has reported “Children get off to a flying start in Nursery. Staff understand the needs of children well. Children develop resilience and independence through everyday tasks. These include putting on their own coats and wellingtons. Children develop important anguage and communication skills through, for example, singing rhymes and songs. This helps to prepare them for learning how to read." The Nursery provision is open to all and can be the perfect stepping stone into Woodlands Primary Phase and Yate Academy.
We are committed to developing a partnership with you that will help us deliver high standards in the education and care of your child in a safe and happy environment. By the end of their Nursery education, your child will be prepared for their Reception year at Primary School with friends they have made along the way.
If you are thinking about or planning to join our Nursery, we are here at every step of the way to answer your questions. We understand that making plans for your child’s care and ongoing education at this early age is an important decision. We count it as a huge privilege to work with children, and can assure you that our team of Early Years Educators and wider school team will provide the very best personalised care to meet your child’s needs.
You would be very welcome to come and visit and meet the Early Years Team. If you would like to arrange a visit please call the school office on 01454 866535.
To start the application process we would like to get some information from you about you and your child. Please complete the following form below (one form for each child). The form should be returned to us at your earliest convenience, so that we can arrange a start date that suits you.
Please remember that once your child starts in our Nursery, if any of the information you complete in this application form changes, please notify us so that we can update our records.
If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Why send your child to Woodlands Nursery?
- Nursery provision focused around the development of your child
- Nursery for 3-4 year olds within the safe setting of Woodlands Primary School
- 15 hours FREE Nursery provision per week available
- Over 30 hours of nursery education per week available
- You may be eligible for up to 30 Hours FREE childcare, please visit https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare for more information
- Qualified teacher with Early Years Professional Status and specific experience of child development and children’s learning
- Dedicated Nursery provision
- Morning, lunch-club, and afternoon sessions
- Being linked to the Reception Class and the Primary School gives children confidence when starting school
We aim to ensure that each child:
- is in a safe and stimulating environment
- is given generous care and attention
- has the chance to develop relationships with other children and adults through play and learning together
- is supported to engage in learning opportunities that develop and extend their learning and development
- has access to both indoor and outdoor experiences
- has a dedicated Key Person who makes sure each child makes good progress
- is in a Nursery that sees parents as partners in helping each child to learn and develop
Admissions Arrangements:
Please see the school admissions arrangements including criteria for allocating places.
- Deadline for September applications is 1st May
- Deadline for January applications: 1st September
- Deadline for April applications: 1st January
Applications after the closing will be considered on a first come, first served basis and only offered if spaces are available. Please contact nursery@woodlandsprimaryyate.co.uk for any further information.