Outdoor Environment
Welcome to our Reception outdoor environment!
Our EYFS team are extremely proud to offer such a wonderful outdoor learning space which provides multiple opportunities for children to think creatively and critically.
As enabling environments is one of the four key principles of our Greenshaw Learning Trust Early Years vision, we strongly believe all children should have access to a safe and stimulating environment that builds on each individual's wants, needs and interests.
We offer our children free flow, which allows them during self initiated play to independently choose to move between different environments. Our outdoor learning environment is always the most popular choice, come wind, rain or shine! Our children have the choice of a large grass area with climbing equipment, a stage and music stand, a shelter, a mud kitchen and a role play construction site.
We also have a sheltered canopy area with a sand and water station, an investigation area, an outdoor Maths classroom and a creative station. We have an inviting Literacy space with a cosy reading nook and daily access to a Literacy shed full of different mark making resources and books.
Forest Fridays are a definite highlight in Reception. We have a fantastic log seating area where both classes can gather for stories and campfire songs. Our sessions aim to boost pupils self-confidence and self-esteem and let them experience hands-on learning in a natural woodland environment.