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PINS - Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools Project

Please join us to help shape new support for parents of children with SEND at Woodlands. 

Monday 27th January at 9.30am. 

The Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) project is a national initiative funded by the DfE and led by NHS England, which is testing a new model for supporting good outcomes in mainstream primary schools for Neurodiverse children and young people and will strengthen parent/carer and school partnerships.

We are very proud to be working on this initiative and are one of thirteen schools who have been selected in South Glos.

Our work with PINS so far:

Working with South Glos Parent Carers to support setting up a volunteer parent support role.

Jigsaw (based in Thornbury) have completed a sensory audit of Woodlands. 

The Inclusion Support Service & Autism Education Trust completed training on our January INSET day on Neurodiversity. We are having more training about masking behaviours at school and understanding the link between Autism and Emotional Based School Avoidance. We are also developing our peer mentoring in school with our Year 5 students which has been well received!