Behaviour Curriculum Overview
How we teach the behaviour curriculum
Explaining the why and context
Gradual handover - I Do, We Do, You Do approach
Teaching of our Behaviour Curriculum includes lots of opportunities for guided practice and independent practice
Our Behaviour Curriculum is delivered in small steps with clear examples (examples and non-examples) and models
Scaffolds are provided for routines, transitions for whole classes and individual children, not lowering our expectations but enabling all to succeed
Scripts for routines
Ongoing retrieval and review and many opportunities for children to ask questions and for teachers to check for understanding
Ongoing questioning formative assessment to drive instruction of the Behaviour Curriculum
Our Behaviour Curriculum provides a high success rate creating a positive culture and supporting children to build character
Our behaviour curriculum starts in the Early Years where strategies for managing emotions are proactively and explicitly taught through risk assessment. A dialogue is facilitated through emotion coaching practice.
To assist transition routines from the prior key stage will be continued when children start a new key stage