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Year six sats

What are SATs?

The Standard Assessment Tests (otherwise known as SATs) check your child’s knowledge of the National Curriculum. The tests are compulsory for Year 6 students and they’re used to assess your child against age-related expectations.

Year 6 SATs results are used to measure both the school and each child’s progress and achievements in maths, spelling, punctuation & grammar, plus reading.

In Year 6, SATs week is always in May. This means that your child will have almost all of the academic year to prepare for their SATs.

During SATs week, your child will be tested on their English and Maths knowledge. They will sit the following Year 6 SATs papers (usually in this order):

  • English Spag Paper 1 (short answer questions)
  • English Spag Paper 2 (spelling test)
  • English Reading Paper
  • Mathematics Arithmetic (Paper 1)
  • Mathematics Reasoning (Paper 2)
  • Mathematics Reasoning (Paper 3)

*Spag = spelling, punctuation and grammar.

All Year 6 SATs tests are marked externally and returned to the school. Each child is then given a scaled score that ranges from 80 to 120, with a score of 100 or more meaning that the child has achieved the expected standard.

Your child’s scaled score is based on their raw score (how many questions they answered correctly).